
Quilly award

Best Selling Author and Quilly Award Winner 2016

So why should you have Amanda at your next event?
As a Best Selling Author and Award Winning writer, Amanda knows what it takes to make dreams become a reality.

See what Celebrity Press had to say in their Press Release…

Amanda Stenton-Dozey Hits Amazon BestSeller List with The Road to Success
November 1, 2016

Amanda Stenton-Dozey recently became an Amazon Best-Selling author with The Road to Success Vol. 2 co-authored with Best-Selling author and speaker Jack Canfield.

Amanda  recently worked with several leading entrepreneurs and professionals along with Best-Selling Author® Jack Canfield, originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, to co-write the book The Road to Success. CelebrityPress™, a leading business book publisher, released the book on September 8, 2016.

On the day of release, The Road to Success Vol. 2 achieved Best-Seller status reaching as high as #19 in the “Direct Marketing” Amazon category. Amanda Stenton-Dozey contributed a chapter called “Shut the Fridge! Open Your Mind.”

After such a successful release, The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best seller lists, will recognize Amanda for her contribution.


What attendees are saying…

“I just wanted to say how much I loved last night! I got so much out of it! In fact I couldn’t stop fantasising about my dream life all night!
I have been having troubles getting bookings and after last nights session, I realised it’s because I don’t believe people will buy from me…Thanks so much for organising Amanda to come, I really needed her energy and perspective”


“Last night was just amazing. Thanks for introducing us to one very amazing woman (Amanda)…feeling inspired and empowered and excited!”


“Find Your Roar” in 2017

During this Keynote address, Amanda J. will take your audience on an entertaining  journey into the depths of the mind, to uncover the success that already exists in each and every one of us.

Einstein once said “We cannot solve problems using the same mindset we used to create them”, and yet we continue to hit the same barriers, time and time again, seemingly, without any progress. Why is this? Well, to start with, we rarely actually THINK! We have confused ‘Mental Activity’ with ‘Thinking’ and this is why change seems so difficult.